Manajemen Stratejik "DIAN DESA" Dalam Upaya Meningkatkan Perekonomian Masyarakat Pedesaan
Problems faced by many of the NGOs generally lie on their capability to provide consistent guidance. As one of the NGOs operating in community economic develeopment field, Dian Desa is certainly required to process high consistency. Therefore, the Dian Desa Foundation needs to have a strategic management in their effort to develop rural community economy. Based on above problems, this study focuses on how Dian Desa implements strategic management in its undertaking to improve the rural community economy. This study on strategic management evaluates the efforts in formulating the community needs, analizing the environment, identifying strategic issues, preparing plans, and implementing the rstrategic planning and evaluation. The result of the study show that Dian Desa has implemented strategic management concept; which caracterized by the exisistence off mission in performing its duties. The efforts performed in implementing the concepts are initialized by inviting the community’s participation in determining their own needs, planning the developmental activities, and implementing the established plans.