Dampak Sosial Ekonomi Program Pemberdayaan Usaha Garam Rakyat Pada Petambak Garam Kabupaten Sumenep
PUGAR Policy evaluation on 2011-2012 of salt farmer’s social economic aspect in Sumenep region shows the increasing of salt production quantity amount of 375%. This is really influential with salt production increasing of Indonesia, as Madura is the biggest salt production basis in Indonesia and Sumenep is region that produces salt with the highest quantity and quality. The effect of PUGAR program that turns Indonesia back as a salt concumption self- sufficient country in 2013 is not significantly influences to the salt farmer’s social economic aspect. Even that increasing salt production influences to the decreasing of farmer salt’s income. The purpose of this research with qualitative descriptive is finding out the factors of causing income decreasing and the increasing salt production. Based on this research result, researcher recommends the coordination and cooperation among the stakeholders, the reorganization of managing system and distribution, also optimizing the KUGAR function.