Evaluation of Badan Usaha Milik Desa as A Locomotive for Village Development In Yogyakarta Special Region
One of the innovative steps for the Government in building villages is to organize an institution that is tasked with being a pioneer in improving the welfare of village communities. This institution is called Village-Owned Enterprises or known as BUM Desa as an institution that promotes economic growth through village entrepreneurship. The objective of this research is to find out the characteristics of BUM Desa in the study location which then conducts institutional evaluation of the Village BUM. This study uses a qualitative method with a case study approach. The results obtained were that the BUMDesa
characteristic was formed at the initiation of the village government and was welcomed by the community. Natural potential is the main capital in developing BUMDesa, such as the tourism sector. The main problem for BUMDesa is the quality of human resources and capital in developing the institution. In terms of institutional success indicators, it is generally successful because the business unit is able to have a positive impact, both creating jobs, village income, a more
organized environment, and the community has increased the spirit of mutual cooperation. Thus, BUMDesa is able to improve community welfare. In terms of internal support and other institutions, BUMDesa institutions have collaborated and received assistance from the public, private, university, donor, and community sectors. Cooperation is also established not only on a local scale but also internationally. BUMDesa only needs to increase human resource capacity, both formal and informal education. In terms of leadership, the character of a leader who is visionary, professional, political, multitalent, and able to mingle with members so that they become role models and are able to move their members in managing BUMDesa.